Download REET Exam Syllabus 2020 Level I & II

Download REET Exam Syllabus 2020 Level I & II

REET Exam Syllabus 2020: राजस्थान माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड द्वारा रीट परीक्षा 2020 अगस्त माह मे होना संभावित है वे सभी अभ्यर्थी जो रीट परीक्षा 2020 की तैयारी कर रहे है उन्हे इस नवीनतम सिलैबस (Download REET Exam Syllabus 2020) के हिसाब से इस परीक्षा की तैयारी करना चाहिए। पर राजस्थान रीट परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे सभी उम्मीदवारो के लिए सभी महत्वपूर्ण अध्ययन नोट्स एवं mock टेस्ट निशुल्क उपलब्ध है हम राजस्थान रीट परीक्षा 2020 में उपस्थित होने वाले सभी उम्मीदवारों के लिए शुभकामनाएं देता है।

यहा हम राजस्थान रीट परीक्षा 2020 पाठ्यक्रम Level 1 एवं 2 की विस्तृत जानकरी शेअर कर रहे है साथ ही आप पाठ्यक्रम को पीडीएफ़ के रूप मे भी download कर सकते है जिसकी लिंक आपको इस आर्टिक्ल मे प्राप्त हो जाएगी।

REET 2020 Eligibility Criteria for Level 1& 2

Educational Qualification Criteria for REET Level – 1 (Class I to V) 

The minimum educational qualifications for REET 2020 Level-1 exam is following –

  • Applicants must have passed Senior Secondary with at least 50% marks or appearing in the final year of 2 year diploma in Elementary education.


  • Candidates have passed Senior Secondary with at least 45% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of 2 year Diploma in elementary education in accordance with the NCTE, Regulation, 2002.


  • Senior Secondary with at least 50% marks ans passed or appearing in the final year of 4 year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.EI.Ed.)


  • Candidates must have passed Senior Secondary or its equivalent with at least 50% marks or passed or appearing in the final year of 2-year Diploma in Education (Special Education).


Graduation and Passed or appearing in the final year of two-year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name Known).

Educational Qualification Criteria REET Level-2 (Class VI to VII)

The minimum educational qualifications for REET 2020 Level-2 exam is following –

  • Candidates must have graduation passed or appearing in the final year of 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education.


  • Graduation with at least 50% marks and 1 year B.Ed Passed or appearing in the final year of a 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.)


  • Candidates must have completed Graduation with at least 45% marks and 1 year B. Ed passed or appearing in the final year of 2-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), in accordance with the NCTE Regulations issued from time to time in this regard.


  • Senior Secondary with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in final year of 4 year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed).


  • Senior Secondary with 50% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of 4 years B.A/ B.Sc.Ed or B.A Ed./ B.Sc.Ed.


  • Graduation with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in 1 year B.Ed. (Special Education).

REET 2020 Level 1 Exam Pattern (Class 1 to 5)

Subject Question Marks
Child Development 30 30
Language -I (English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi, and Gujarati) 30 30
Language -II (English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi, and Gujarati) 30 30
Mathematics 30 30
Environmental Studies 30 30
Total 150 150
The time duration of the exam will be given 150 Minutes.
There will be NO Negative Marking.

REET 2020 Leval 2 Exam Pattern (Class 6 to 8)

Subject Question Marks
Child Development 30 30
Language -I (English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi, and Gujarati) 30 30
Language -II (English, Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi, and Gujarati) 30 30
Mathematics & Science 30 30
Social Studies 30 30
Total 150 150
The time duration of the exam will be given 150 Minutes.
There will be NO Negative Marking.

REET Level 1 (Primary Level) Subject Topics:

Child Development and Pedagogy.
Language-I (English/Hindi/Gujarati/Punjabi/ Sindhi)
Language-II (English/Hindi/Gujarati/Sindhi/Punjabi)
Environment Studies

REET Level 2 (Secondary Level) Subject Topics: 

Child Development and Pedagogy.
Language-I (English/Hindi/Gujarati/Punjabi/ Sindhi)
Language-II (English/Hindi/Gujarati/Sindhi/Punjabi)
Mathematics & Science.
Social Studies

REET Qualifying Marks:

To qualify the Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test, it is mandatory to secure at least 60% passing marks. While accounting to State Government Gazette Number (DEE / Plan / 2011 dated 29.08.2012), the Scheduled Tribes (ST) category aspirants of the Scheduled Area need to secure 36% as minimum passing marks.

REET Exam 2020 Topic-wise Notes Click here

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