MP CPCT Computer Questions in English || Computer MCQ Questions for MP CPCT
In this article, we are going to share selective Basic Computer Questions and Answer for MP CPCT Computer Questions in English Language. Try to learn these Basic Computer Questions yourself and increase your confidence.
The first computer which had been fabricated and developed in India is-
(a) Sidhartha (b) Param (c) Megha (d) Cyber
Ans: (a)
Microsoft is an :
(a) institution where microchip is prepared
(b) institution where the softwares are developed
(c) institution of micro engineering
(d) institution where the hardwares are developed
Ans: (b)
The word MBis used for:
(a) Magnetic Bits (b) Mega Bytes
(c) Mega Bits (d) None of these
Ans: (b)
Which one of the following is a computer virus-
(a) Fungi (b) Bacteria (c) IC 7344 (d) Software program
Ans: (d)
Which one of the following is called Information Gateway:
(a) E-mail (b) Pager (c) Cellulor phone (d) Internet
Ans: (d)
Who is called the father of E-mail?
(a) Bill Gates (b) Timothy Bill
(c) Linkan Golitsberg (d) Rey Tomlinson
Ans: (d)
The first computer in India was installed at :
(a) lIT Delhi in 1973
(b) IISC Banglore in 1971
(c) IISCO in 1965
(d) ISO Kolkata in 1955
Ans: (d)
Which one of the following is permitted under the Bluetooth technology?
(a) Wireless communication between the equipment
(b) Only Signal transmission on the mobile phones
(c) Mobile phone communication through landline
(d) Satellite television communication
Ans: (a)
Through which one of the following the speed of the processor of the computer is measured?
(a) BPS (b) MIPS (c) BOO (d) Hz
Ans: (b)
The full form of www is:
(a) web working window (b) window word wide
(c) worldwide web (d) world working web
Ans: (c)
What is the meaning of RAM in the context of a computer?
(a) Recent And Ancient Memory
(b) Random Access Memory
(c) Read And Memory
(d) Recall All Memory
Ans: (b)
CPU implies:
(a) Control and Primary Unit
(b) Central Processing Unit
(c) Computer and Process Unit
(d) one of these
Ans: (b)
CAD implies:
(a) Computer Algorithm for Design (b) Computer Added Design
(c) Computer Application in Design (d) None of these
Ans: (b)
The full form of IBM is :
(a) Indian Business Machine
(b) International Business Machine
(c) Italian Business Machine
(d) Integral Business Machine
Ans: (b)
The CD-ROM stands for-
(a) Core Disc – Read Only Memory
(b) Compact Disc – Read Only Memory
(c) Circular Disc – Read Only Memory
(d) None of these
Ans: (b)
Which one of the following products is sold in the market by the name of pentium brand:
(a) Mobile chip (b) Computer chip
(c) Computer (d) Microprocessor
Ans: (d)
Who was the inventor and founder of www?
(a) BillGates (b) Lee N. Fiyong
(c) Russel (d) Tim Berners-Lee
Ans: (d)
Yahoo, Google and MSN are:
(a) Internet sites
(b) computer brand
(c) watches made of Switzerland
(d) the ring of the planet Saturn
Ans: (a)
In the computer dictionary the word CD stands for:
(a) Compact Disc (b) Compressed Disc
(c) Computerized Data (d) Compressed Data
Ans: (a)
Which one of the following is not a computer language?
(a) BASIC (b) C (c) FAST (d) FORTRAN
Ans: (c)
Which one of the following terms is not associated with information technology?
(a) Cyber space (b) Upload (c) Light storage (d) Modem
Ans: (c)
The fastest computer of the world is:
(a) T-3A (b) Yenha-3 (c) Param-10,000 (d) J-8
Ans: (a)
What is Anupam?
(a) a research Institute (b) a supercomputer
(c) a newly designed missile (d) a computer software
Ans: (b)
A supercomputer Param has been developed and designed in India by
(a) C – DAC, Pune (b) lIT, Kanpur (c) BARC, Mumbai (d) lIT, Delhi
Ans: (a)
The smallest unit of computer data is-
(a) byte (b) bit (c) record (d) file
Ans: (b)
The Michele Anjelo Virus is :
(a) a cancerous virus
(b) a cancer protective virus
(c) viruses spread in rats
(d) a computer virus
Ans: (d)
Which one of the following is applicable to all the computers?
(a) BASIC (b) COBOL (c) Machine language (d) FORTRAN
Ans: (c)
The system which transforms the data into impulses and these impulses are sent from a terminal to a computer and from a computer to a terminal in a compressed way is called:
(a) Magnetic disc (b) Microcomputer
(c) CD-ROM (d) Modem
Ans: (b)
The fastest computer of the world which would follow the working mechanism of the human’s brain is :
(a) Supercomputer (b) Quantum computer
(c) Param -10,000 (d) IBM chips
Ans: (b)
Which one of the following has been developed as a Supercomputer Project by the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC)?
(a) Param Padam
(b) Flosalver Mark
(c) Chips
(d) Anupam
Ans: (d)
The memory of a computer is usually expressed in kilobyte or megabyte; one byte is basically composed of :
(a) 8 binary digits
(b) 2 binary digits
(c) 8 decimal digits
(d) 2 decimal digits
Ans: (a)
The working function of an assembler is:
(a) to transform BASIC language into a mechanical language
(b) to transform a high level language into a mechanical language
(c) to transform an assembly language into a mechanical language
(d) to transform an assembly language into a high level language
Ans: (c)
The supercomputer Deep Blue and Blue Gene are developed and fabricated by :
(a) IBM Co. USA (b) Combridge University, UK
(c) BARC, Mumbai (d) None of these
Ans: (a)
The main component of the fifth generation computer is:
(a) Integrated circuit (IC) (b) Largely Integrated Circuit (LIC)
(c) Optical fibre (d) None of these
Ans: (c)
The abbreviation of ENIAC is:
(a) Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
(b) Electronic Numerical Integer And Calculator
(c) Electronic Not Integrator And Calculator
(d) None of these
Ans: (a)
The supercomputer Flo Solver of India was developed and designed by
(a) NAL, Banglore (b) C-DAC, Pune
(c) BARC, Mumbai (d) None of these
Ans: (a)
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) which is called the brain of the computer, is sometimes also called:
(a) Microprocessor (b) Processor
(c) Mini processor (d) Mini computer
Ans: (a)
Which one of the following is not the component of a computer?
(a) Input unit
(b) CPU
(c) External Memory Unit
(d) Internal Memory Unit
Ans: (d)
Which one of the following is a part of Input Unit?
(a) Keyboard (b) Mouse (c) Punch Card (d) Printer
Ans: (d)
The language ‘C’ used in the computer is a:
(a) Low level language (b) High level language
(c) Machine code (d) Conjugation level language
Ans: (b)
The inventor and propounder of www was:
(a) Bill Gates (b) Lee. N. Feyong
(c) N Russel (d) Tem Burners Lee
Ans: (d)
Which one of the following languages of the computer has been developed from a pure business point of view?
(d) None of these
Ans: (a)
The first Computer University of India is :
(a) Rajiv Gandhi Computer University
(b) Indira Gandhi Computer University
(c) Jawahar Lal Nehru Computer University
(d) None of these
Ans: (a)
The first pollution-free computerized petrol pump has been installed at :
(a) New Delhi (b) Mumbai (c) Chandigarh (d) Noida
Ans: (c)
The first main post office of India where a computerized system to work-
(a) New Delhi (b) Banglore (c) Chandigarh (d) Noida
Ans: (b)
The political party which has opted firstly its own website in India ‘- :
(a) BJP (b) INC (c) DMK (d) AIADMK
Ans: (a)
A popular windowing Environment, windows – 3 issued in :
(a) 1985 (b) 2000 (c) 1995 (d) 1990
Ans: (b)
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