Pedagogy of Social Science In English For CTET & All TET Exam

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Pedagogy of Social Science In English

Q1 Critical thinking is an important component of-


(b)Politics and business


(d)All of these

Ans. (d)

Q2 Creation of a situation can be made by:

(a) reading a parallel poem

(b) showing pictures

(c) giving the lifestyle of the poet

(d) all of the above

Ans. (d)

Q3 ‘Team Teaching’-

(a)Involves teams of  teachers to optimize resources, interest, and expertise

(b)Involves small teams of students as per their ability

(c)Is a way to manage with the shortage of teachers

(d)Encourage healthy competition among teams of teachers in a school

Ans. (a)

Q4 Partial reinforcement

(a) is more effective than continuous reinforcement

(b) is less effective than continuous reinforcement

(c) cannot be applied in actual classrooms 

(d) works best in training animals

 Ans. (a)

Q5 Which one is not included under the visual aids?




(d)None of the above

Ans. (d)

Q6 Life history of an individual written by the writer himself is called:

(a) story

(b) autobiography

(c) novel

(d) none of these

Ans. (b)

Q7 ————-learning activities are similar to case studies but usually focus on qualitative problems and gives students a deeper learning opportunity.


(b)Think pair share


(d)None of these

Ans. (a)

Q8 Which of the following is the characteristic of programmed instruction?

(a) Student’s reinforcement

(b) Student’s activity

(c) The immediate result of the student’s performance

(d) All of these

 Ans. (d)

Also Read: skinners operant conditioning theory

Q9 School learning is a function of time, i.e. school learning= f (time spent/time needed), this formula is given by-

(a)E.B Wesley

(b)John Carroll

(c)John Jarolimick

(d)None of these

Ans. (b)

Q10 Social studies deals with-




(d)All of these

Ans. (d)

Q11Previous knowledge of the students depends on the following:

(a) age and mental level

(b) class and background

(c) both (A) & (B)

(d) none of these

Ans. (c)Pedagogy of Social Science In English

Q12 Which one of the following is not a major type of students evaluation-



(c) Hobbies

(d)None of these

Ans. (c)

Maths Pedagogy Study material: Click here 

Q13 Which of the following principles is not involved in lesson planning?

(a) rigidity of planning 

(b) knowledge of pupils

(c) clarity of objectives 

(d) knowledge of teaching

Ans. (a)

Q14 What does “self-regulation of learners” mean?

(a) rules and regulations made by the student body 

(b) creating regulations for student behavior

(c) self-discipline and control 

(d) ability to monitor their own learning

Ans. (d)

Q15 Formative evaluation is not based on-

(a)Objective type question

(b)Long essay type question

(c)Project work

(d)Activity-based work

Ans. (b)

Q16 A teacher collects and reads the work of the class then plans and adjusts the next lesson to meet student needs. He is doing

(a) Assessment of Learning 

(b) Assessment as Learning

(c) Assessment for Learning

(d) Assessment of Learning

Ans. (c)

Q17 Cultural, social and class differences generate their own biases and prejudice and attitude in classroom contexts. The approach towards teaching, therefore, needs to be-


(b)Discussion oriented


(d)Lecture methods

Ans. (c)

Q18 When delivering an effective lecture in the classroom, a teacher;

(a) establishes an eye contact

(b) varies pitch and tone

(c) employs meaningful gestures.

(d) all of the above

Ans. (d)

Q19 Which one of the following is not needed for learning activities outside the classroom?

(a)Teacher preparation

(b)Executive of the activity



Ans. (d)

Q20 Aptitude test plays a significant role in

(a) group guidance

(b) educational guidance

(c) vocational guidance

(d) None of these

Ans. (c)

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