Samvida Shikshak Varg 3 English Question Paper
In today’s article, we are going to share Samvida Shikshak Varg 3 English Question Paper. These Model MCQ Questions based on the latest syllabus that help you to boost up your score in the examination.
Directions (Q. Nos. 1-6):
Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain but for the heart to conquer it. Let me not look for allies in life’s battlefield but to my own strength. Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved but hope for the patience to win my freedom. Grant me that I may not be a coward, feeling your mercy in my success alone; but let me find the grasp of your hand in my failure.
Q1. The poem is written as a-
(a) speech (b) eulogy (c) argument (d) prayer
Ans. (d)
Q2. The repetition of the word ‘Let me’ is an example of-
(a) hyperbole (b) alliteration (c) anaphora (d) verbosity
Ans. (c)
Q3. The poet/persona of the poem seeks to find-
(a) courage (b) fear (c) controversy (d) confusion
Ans. (a)
Q4. Form adjective from the following word- ‘Dangers’
(a) danger (b) dangerous
(c) dangerously (d) none
Ans. (b)
Q5. Form noun from the following word ‘Pray’-
(a) prayer (b) praying (c) pray (d) none
Ans. (a)
Q6. The mood of the poem is-
(a) discouraging (b) inspirational
(c) cheery (d) condescending
Ans. (b)
Directions (Q. Nos.7-11): Give one word for each of the following expressions choosing from those given below each such expression
Q7. A person who has no money to pay off his debts-
(a) Lender (b) Pauper (c) Beggar (d) Insolvent
Ans. (d)
Q8. Murder of a new-born child-
(a) Homicide (b) Regicide (c) Fratricide (d) Infanticide
Ans. (d)
Q9. A sudden rush of wind-
(a) Gale (b) Typhoon (c) Gust (d) Storm
Ans. (c)
Q10. Receptive skills are-
(a) Reading and speaking
(b) Reading and writing
(c) Speaking and writing
(d) Listening and reading
Ans. (d)
Q11. Receptive skills are also known as–
(a) Productive skills (b) Active skills
(c) Passive skills (d) None of these
Ans. (c)
Q12. In the phonetic method, the children are taught to recognize the relationship between-
(a) Words and letters
(b) Letters and sounds
(c) Phrases and sounds
(d) None of these
Ans. (b)
Q13. The understanding depends on-
(a) Reading-writing channel
(b) Speaking-listening channel
(c) Both the above
(d) None of these
Ans. (c)
Q14. Expression-content channel is used in-
(a) Speaking (b) Listening (c) Observing (d) None
Ans. (b)
Q15. Method of teaching pronunciation is-
(a) Limitation (b) Phonetic (c) Subsidiary (d) All of the above Ans. (d
Q16. The Classical method of teaching English is the-
(a) Cognitive code (b) Audio-lingual (c) Both the above (d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q17. An immediate bond is established between the concept and its expression in the-
(a) Direct method
(b) Grammar-Translation method
(c) Bilingual method
(d) Structural method
Ans. (c)
Q18. Type of structure is-
(a) Formula (b) Phrase (c) Idioms (d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q19. Which of the following is the approach of teaching English?
(a) Bilingual Method
(b) Dr. West’s New Method
(c) Substitution Method
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q20. Language learning starts from-
(a) Listening Skill (b) Speaking Skill
(c) Reading Skill (d) Writing Skill
Ans. (b)
Q21. Primary Linguistic Principle includes-
(a) Phonology
(b) Syntax
(c) Semantics
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q22. Which of the following is not a type of words-
(a) Functional words
(b) Situation words
(c) Content words
(d) Substitute words
Ans. (b)
Directions (Q. Nos.23-30) :
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below.
It is a strange that, according to his position in life, an extravagant man is admired or despised. A successful businessman does nothing to increase his popularity by being careful with his money. He is expected to display his success, to have a smart car, an expensive life, and to be lavish with his hospitality.
If he is not so, he is considered mean and his reputation in business may even suffer in consequence. The paradox remains that if he had not been careful with his money in the first place, he would never have achieved his present wealth. Among the two income groups, a different set of values exists. The young clerk who makes his wife a present of a new dress when he hadn’t paid his house rent, is condemned as extravagant. Carefulness with money to the point of meanness is applauded as a virtue.
Nothing in his life is considered more worthy than paying his bills. The ideal wife for such a man separates her housekeeping money into joyless little piles so much for rent, for food, for the children’s shoes; she is able to face the milkman with equanimity and never knows the guilt of buying something she can’t really afford. As for myself, I fall into neither of these categories. If I have money to spare, I can be extravagant, but when, as is usually the case, I am hard up, then I am the meanest man imaginable.
Q23. We understand from the passage that-
(a) thrift may lead to success.
(b) all mean people are wealthy.
(c) carefulness generally leads to failure.
(d) wealthy people are invariably successful.
Ans. (a)
Q24. In the opinion of the author, a successful businessman-
(a) is expected to have expensive tastes.
(b) is more popular if he appears to be doing nothing.
(c) must be extravagant before achieving success.
(d) should not bother about his popularity.
Ans. (a)
Q25. Which parts of speech is the underlined word in the sentence given below. Among the two income groups, a different set of values exists.
(a) Noun (b) Verb (c) Preposition (d) Interjection
Ans. (c)
Q26. It seems that low paid people should-
(a) not pay their bills promptly.
(b) feel guilty if they overspend.
(c) borrow money to meet their essential needs.
(d) not keep their creditors waiting.
Ans. (b
Q27. The word paradox most nearly the same-
(a) contradiction (b) standard (c) truth (d) certainty
Ans. (a)
Q28. The word which is opposite in meaning to applauded is-
(a) acclaim (b) decried (c) commend (d) suppressed
Ans. (b)
Q29. How does the housewife, described by the writer, feel when she saves money?
(a) wishes she could sometimes be extravagant.
(b) is content to be so thrifty.
(c) wishes life were less burden some.
(d) both (a) and (b)
Ans. (b)
Q30. Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage?
(a) Miserly habits of the poor.
(b) Extravagance leads to poverty.
(c) Extravagance is always condemnable.
(d) Extravagance in the life of the rich and the poor.
Ans. (d)
In this post, we have shared Samvida Shikshak Varg 3 English Question Paper. To get such other important information, you must like our Facebook page. If you want to get study notes on any other subject, then you can tell by commenting below. We will try to give notes on that subject Thank you !!
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thanks you for these helpful mcq