NIACL AO Syllabus [PDF]: Prelims & Mains Exam Pattern – Download Now

New India Assurance NIACL Assistant Recruitment Syllabus: The New India Assurance Company Limited (NIACL) is set to conduct the recruitment process for Assistant positions in 2024, offering an excellent opportunity for candidates aspiring to build a career in the insurance sector. To excel in this competitive exam, it is essential to understand the NIACL Assistant Recruitment 2024 Syllabus in detail.

The selection process for NIACL Assistant includes two key stages—Preliminary Exam and Mains Exam—both requiring a strong command over subjects like Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. A thorough understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern is crucial to devising an effective preparation strategy.

In this article, we will provide the complete syllabus for the NIACL Assistant Recruitment 2024, along with important details about the exam pattern and preparation tips. With the right approach and consistent effort, you can enhance your chances of securing a position in one of the most prestigious organizations in the insurance sector.

Selection Procedure: NIACL Administrative Officer recruitment selection process is given below.

Phase-I: Preliminary Examination
A preliminary Examination consisting of Objective Tests for 100 marks will be
conducted online. This would consist of 3 sections (with separate timings for
each section) as follows:

S. No.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksLanguageDuration
1.English Language3030English20 minutes
2.Reasoning Ability3535English/Hindi20 minutes
3.Numerical Ability3535English/Hindi20 minutes
 Total100100  60 minutes

Candidates have to qualify for each test/section by securing passing marks to be
decided by the Company. The adequate number of candidates in each category as
decided by the Company (approximately 15 times the numbers of vacancies
subject to availability) will be shortlisted for the Main Examination.

Phase – II: Main Examination
Main Examination will consist of Objective Tests for 200 marks and Descriptive
Test for 30 marks. Both the Objective and Descriptive Tests will be online.
Candidates will have to answer the Descriptive Test by typing on the computer.
Immediately after completion of the Objective Test, Descriptive Test will be
(I) Objective Test: The Objective Test of 2.5 hours duration will be as follows.
There will be separate timing for every section.

S. No.Name of the TestNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksLanguageDuration
1.Reasoning Ability5050English/HindiComposite time of 120 minutes
2.English Language5050English
3.General Awareness5050English/Hindi
4.Quantitative Aptitude5050English/Hindi

Descriptive Test: Descriptive Test will be 30 minutes for 30 marks test.

Name of ExamMarks
Letter Writing10 marks
Essay Writing20 marks

Interview Process: The candidates qualifying for both Prelims & Mains exam will be called for an Interview round.

NIACL Administrative Officer Syllabus- Prelims


The questions of this section will be assessing the candidate’s knowledge about the English language and the questions will be of English language only. 

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Cloze Test
  3. Fill in the blanks
  4. Multiple Meaning / Error Spotting
  5. Paragraph Complete / Sentence Correction
  6. Para jumbles
  7. Miscellaneous

Quantitative Aptitude

The questions of this section are more calculation and formula-based, therefore the candidates are advised to learn tricks to learn the concepts of solving the questions of this section. 

  1. Simplification
  2. Ratio & Proportion, Percentage
  3. Number Systems
  4. Profit & Loss
  5. Mixtures & Alligations
  6. Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices
  7. Time & Distance
  8. Work & Time
  9. Sequence & Series
  10. Permutation, Combination & Probability. Data Interpretation
  11. Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere

Reasoning Ability 

The topics of Reasoning Ability are the same in both Prelims & Mains, however, the difference lies in the difficulty level of the questions. Check the topics of Reasoning Ability of NIACL Prelims Exam 2021.  

  1. Coded Inequalities
  2. Seating Arrangement
  3. Puzzle Tabulation
  4. Logical Reasoning
  5. Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test
  6. Data Sufficiency
  7. Syllogism
  8. Blood Relations
  9. Input-Output
  10. Coding-Decoding
  11. Alphanumeric Series

NIACL Administrative Officer Syllabus- Mains

Reasoning Ability

Though the topics of this section seem to be easy, you must know the shortcuts to solve these tricky questions. Check the topics of the Reasoning section asked in NIACL AO Mains Exam from here. 

  1. Coded Inequalities
  2. Seating Arrangement
  3. Puzzle Tabulation
  4. Logical Reasoning
  5. Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test
  6. Data Sufficiency
  7. Syllogism
  8. Blood Relations
  9. Input-Output
  10. Coding-Decoding
  11. Alphanumeric Series

Quantitative Aptitude

Check the topics covered in the Quantitative Aptitude Section below and prepare accordingly for the NIACL AO Exam. The questions of this section are calculation based, therefore advised to learn tricks to solve these questions quickly. 

  1. Simplification
  2. Ratio & Proportion, Percentage
  3. Number Systems
  4. Profit & Loss
  5. Mixtures & Alligations
  6. Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices
  7. Time & Distance
  8. Work & Time
  9. Sequence & Series
  10. Permutation, Combination & Probability. Data Interpretation
  11. Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
  12. English Language Reading Comprehension
  13. Cloze Test
  14. Fill in the blanks
  15. Multiple Meaning / Error Spotting
  16. Paragraph Complete / Sentence Correction
  17. Para jumbles
  18. Miscellaneous

General Awareness

For this section, the candidates have to prepare for the below topics at the national and international levels. This section requires proper discipline and frequency of learning the topics daily.   

  1. Current Affairs
  2. Summits
  3. Books & Authors
  4. Awards
  5. Sports
  6. Defence
  7. National
  8. Appointment
  9. International
  10. Obituary etc
  11. Banking Awareness
  12. Indian Financial System
  13. History of Indian Banking Industry
  14. Regulatory Bodies Monetary & Credit Policies
  15. Budget Basics and Current Union Budget
  16. International Organisation / Financial Institutions
  17. Capital Market & Money Market added in NIACL AO Syllabus
  18. Government Schemes Abbreviations and Economic terminologies
  19. Other important concepts
  20. Abbreviations and Economic terminologies
  21. Other important concepts

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