Samvida Shikshak Varg 3 English Model Question Paper
In today’s article, we are going to share Samvida Shikshak Varg 3 English Model Question Paper. These Model MCQ Questions based on the latest syllabus that help you to boost up your score in the examination.
Directions (Q. Nos.1-6) : Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions given below it. Just down the road from where I live, A lone laburnum grows. It does not advertise itself, Unlike the cawing crows. But like the cawing crows, you’d say, There’s nothing to this tree, Its height is unremarkable, Its leaves so ordinary. But come the summer, golden light Is trapped within the tree. In May, the crystallized sunbeams, Burst out for all to see. The thundery grey sky casts its gloom On everything in sight But the little tree is quite untouched, It burns with topaz light. Flowers of sunshine cloak the tree And dazzle every eye. And every puff of a wayward breeze Drops gold on passersby. Even the beggar down the street Smiles when he sees this tree. And for some moments he can feel A joy that comes for free.
Q1. In summer the tree-
(a) is filled with yellow colored flowers.
(b) is filled with crows.
(c) is laden with fruits.
(d) look pale and yellow.
Ans. (a)
Q2. Laburnum doesn’t need to advertise its presence as-
(a) It is huge.
(b) Its glory in full bloom is noticeable.
(c) It has no special feature.
(d) It is visible to all.
Ans. (b)
Q3. The crows advertise their presence by-
(a) Making noise
(b) Flying low
(c) Fighting
(d) Sitting pretty on the branches
Ans. (a)
Q4. ‘Drops gold on passersby’ refer to-
(a) Dropping of gold coins
(b) Rays of sun fall on passersby
(c) Golden light falling on passersby
(d) Yellow flowers
Ans. (c)
Q5. The tree appears to be-
(a) helpful
(b) small
(c) on fire
(d) radiating sunshine
Ans. (d)
Q6. Translation is the best way to-
(a) Improve writing
(b) Improve reading
(c) Improve learning
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q7. Poetry teaching does not involve-
(a) Pronunciation Drill
(b) Model Recitation II
(c) Imitation Recitation
(d) Comprehension Questions
Ans. (a)
Q8. Aim of language is-
(a) Speech (b) Research (c) Communication (d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q9. Which of the following is the meant of the situational approach –
(a) It emphasizes on learning by play
(b) If follows the principle of variety and simplicity
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q10. Which of the following is/are the types of grammar-
(a) Formal grammar
(b) Functional grammar
(c) Structural grammar
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q11. The method of teaching grammar is/are as-
(a) The traditional-method
(b) The informal-method
(c) The incidental-method
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q12. Who said “Prose is words in their best order”-
(a) Coleridge
(b) Prof. Hudson
(c) Prof. Menon
(d) Prof. C.S. Bhandari
Ans. (a)
Q13. The essential feature of poetry is/are-
(a) Emotional
(b) Imaginative
(c) Rhythmic
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)
Q14. Words that convey the meaning given in the dictionary is called-
(a) Lexical
(b) Morphological
(c) Synonym
(d) All of the above
Ans. (a)
Q15. In translation cum grammar method, English is taught with the help of-
(a) Mother languagee
(b) Foreign language
(c) Internet
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
Q16. The two kinds of vocabulary are:
(a) Active and passive vocabulary
(b) Indian and foreign vocabulary
(c) Little and large vocabulary
(d) None of the above
Ans. (a)
Q17. Central University for Foreign Language (CUFL) is situated at-
(a) Delhi
(b) Hyderabad
(c) Bangalore
(d) Chennai
Ans. (b)
Q18. A good listener can–
(a) Correctly respond to every question asked.
(b) understand how to spelt a word
(c) recognize how intonation is used.
(d) pronounce each and every word correctly.
Ans. (a)
Q19. Which one of the following is not a language component?
(a) vocabulary (b) sound (c) structure (d) script
Ans. (d)
Q20. A phoneme is a–
(a) sound pattern
(b) lexical item
(c) single sound unit
(d) technique to improve pronunciation
Ans. (c)
Q21. Some noise in the language class indicates–
(a) Indiscipline of learners
(b) Teacher’s lack of control over the class
(c) Incompetence of the teacher
(d) Constructive activities with learners engaged in language learning
Ans. (d)
Directions (Q. Nos. 22-30) : Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. One day Raghu rode his horse to the village fair. On his way back he met Manvendra, the merchant. The merchant was a crafty man, ready to do anything to earn some money. The villagers knew this. In fact no one knew what trick he would be up to next. Now, Raghu was poor and had no one in the world to call his own except a beautiful, white horse. He loved it more than anything else in the world. The merchant had his eye on the horse for a long-time and tried to think of a way to get it for himself. Seeing Raghu, the merchant thought, “Raghu is a simpleton. Let me see if I can trick him out of his horse. “So he said to Raghu, “You live all alone. How do you manage ? What does a young boy like you need with a horse ? Sell it to me and I shall make you rich in return.” Raghu replied, “No,sss I don’t want to sell my horse.” But the merchant refused to give up so easily. He offered Raghu more money. Finally, when the offer reached five hundred gold coins, Raghu paused and said, “Five hundred gold coins seems like a good price. But I have a condition. If you agree to it, I shall give you my horse.” What is it ?” The merchant asked impatiently. “Give me the money right now and I shall give you my horse when I have given you ten lashes,” said Raghu. “Is that all ?” asked the merchant. He could easily bear ten lashes. After all he would resell the horse for over a thousand gold coins in the market. He would take twenty lashes for such a gain. He agreed instantly. He ran home and got the money for Raghu and brought along his whip as well. Raghu counted the money carefully. He then took the whip and the lashes fell on the merchant’s back in quick succession. By the eighth lash the merchant was almost in tears but he told himself that there were only two lashes to go and the horse would be his ! The merchant held his breath waiting for the final lash. But Raghu had mounted his horse and was riding off. “Wait !” shouted the merchant in anger. “What about the tenth lash ? Where are you going with the horse ? We had a deal.” Raghu stopped and said, “I agreed to give you the horse only after I had given you ten lashes. But it is upsetting my horse. I’ll give you the last lash later. Till then goodbye !” “Come back you cheat !” the merchant shouted. But the crowd that had gathered around agreed with Raghu. A deal was a deal. Till the last lash was given the horse could not belong to the merchant. Raghu rode away richer by five hundred gold coins and Manvendra waited in vain for several days for the final lash which never came !
Q22. Why did Raghu set the condition of giving the merchant ten lashes ?
(a) To discourage the merchant from buying his horse.
(b) To demonstrate how painful a whipping was so. that the merchant would never hit the horse
(c) To bargain with the merchant to offer more money.
(d) To outwit the merchant who was trying to cheat him.
Ans. (d)
Q23. Why did the merchant offer to buy Raghu’s horse ?
(a) It was his way of helping Raghu who was poor.
(b) The horse would be useful for carrying goods to the market.
(c) He hated Raghu and wanted to deprive him of something he loved.
(d) None of the above Ans. (d)
Q24. Which parts of speech is the underlined word(s) in the sentence given below. The merchant was a crafty man.
(a) Noun (b) Adjective (c) Adverb (d) Verb
Ans. (b)
Q25. What reason did Raghu cite for not giving the merchant the final lash ?
(a) He was tired and not in the mood.
(b) He realised that the merchant was in great pain and took pity on him.
(c) His horse was distressed by the whipping.
(d) He had changed his mind about selling his horse.
Ans. (c)
Q26. The word paused most nearly the same-
(a) persist (b) think twice (c) keep on (d) rise
Ans. (b)
Q27. The word which is opposite in meaning to gathered is-
(a) dispersed (b) associated (c) compiled (d) massed
Ans. (a)
Q28. What made the merchant agree to Raghu’s strange condition for buying the horse ?
(a) He wanted to show Raghu how brave he was.
(b) The fear that Raghu would raise the price of his horse otherwise.
(c) The thought of the profit he would make on selling the horse.
(d) He did not think that Raghu would actually whip him.
Ans. (c)
Q29. Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the passage ?
(1) Raghu was an orphan. (2) The merchant was very persevering.
(a) Only (1) (b) Only (2) (c) Both (1) & (2) (d) None of the above
Ans. (c)
Q30. Find out the wrongly spelt word.
(a) refuse (b) succession (c) consicution (d) progression
Ans. (c)
In this post, we have shared Samvida Shikshak Varg 3 English Question Paper. To get such other important information, you must like our Facebook page. If you want to get study notes on any other subject, then you can tell by commenting below. We will try to give notes on that subject Thank you !!
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