Principles of Bilingual Method || English Pedagogy For TET Exams

Bilingual Method

  • The bilingual method is recently developed and invented by Prof. C.J. Dodson of Wales.
  • The bilingual method means a method in which two languages i.e. the language to be learned and mother tongue are used.
  • In the translation method, some two languages are used. But there is a great difference between these two methods.
  • It is a unique method which is a midway between two old methods translation cum grammar method and direct method.
  • The word ‘Bilingual’ applies to a person who knows two languages- the mother tongue and the foreign or second language.
  • In the bilingual method, the emphasis is on pattern practice. Mother’s tongue is only used to make the meanings of English words.
  • Mother’s tongue has restricted use in Bilingual method.

Principles of Bilingual Method

Bilingual Method
Bilingual Method

• The meanings of words and phrases/sentences in a foreign language can be made clear by the use of the mother tongue.

• There is no need to create situations for making the meaning of English words and sentences.

• Bilingual method is the improvement and combination of translation method and the direct method.

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Characteristics of the Bilingual Method

• ‘Sentences’ is the unit of teaching.

• It emphasizes creating a situation.

• Mother tongue is used when it is necessary to explain the difficult area of language. • Rigorous practice is done in sentences.

• Rules of grammar are not taught separately as is done in the grammar-translation method.

Merits of



The advantages of the Bilingual Method are:

• The time and labor of the teacher is saved

• It is less costly and suited to all types’ schools in rural or urban.

• It is helpful in creating linguistic habits.

• ​This method does not need trained teachers

• ​Many audio-visual aids are not needed.

• It also stresses speech practice.

• An average teacher of English can teach the lesson successfully through this method

Read Also: Principles of language teaching

It ensures accuracy- The meanings of English words and sentences are made quite clear to the students. It is free from the defects of Direct Method in which meanings of English words and sentences remain vague and pattern practice is given on vague grounds.

It ensures fluency in speaking English- The students taught through Bilingual method were quite superior to the student taught by any other method in speaking English fluency.

Less costly than a direct method- Indirect method, a lot of illustrative material in the form of audio-visual aids, is needed. The indirect method involves a lot of expenditure, which schools cannot afford.

It suits the majority of Indian teachers- Direct method only suits a few able and bright teachers who have a good command of English but this method suits the majority of Indian teachers who have an average knowledge of English. Demerits of Bilingual Method

The disadvantages of the Bilingual Method are:

• This method is still in an experimental stage.

• It is not so useful in teaching secondary and senior secondary classes.

• It is sometimes rather impossible to provide a correct mother tongue equivalent.

• ​It may create confusion among students due to the contrast between the features of the two languages.

• Students are likely to develop an undesirable, habit of language. Characteristics &

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