Navodaya Vidyalaya has released the interview schedule for the post of TGT. As per the official Notification, the interview will start from 16 March to 28 March 2020. All Qualified candidates now preparing for the Interview so that here we will share some important tips and commonly asked interview questions for KVS TGT/PGT/PRT Exams.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Interview Questions For TGT/PGT/PRT
This interview has a very comprehensive nature. The questions ask can range from very easy to complex. Interviewer can start with most simple questions like introduce yourself, can touch education-related topic common topic like ncf, rte, individual differences, ask situation based questions, like how do you deal with different students, how will you increase the performance of a slow bloomer child, can ask their favorite one – why do you opt for teaching, ask you to teach any topic related to your subject,
then ask subject-specific questions basically from ncert syllabus of class 6 to 10. (you should have a thorough knowledge of your subject ) like, what is cell , food chain, ecosystem, photosynthesis, etc and how would you teach these topics to children in an interesting way. then one question may be why would you like to join kvs.
Here is the list of Kendriya Vidyalaya Interview Questions.
- Tell me something about yourself.
- Why do you want to become a teacher?
- Why do you want to join Kendriya Vidyalaya as a teacher?
- Are you ready to work in any City?
- Which was your favorite subject during your Graduation and Post Graduation?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- Describe a difficult work situation how you overcame it?
- How do you spend your spare time?
- How you will maintain discipline in your class?
- What are the responsibilities of a school teacher?
- What are the duties of a school teacher?
- How will you manage a lazy student?
- Do you have knowledge of computers?
- What is pedagogy?
- How you can use the computer for your class?
- Explain what will be your approach when a lesson does not work well?
- Why did you decide to become a teacher?
- Why do you want to teach at this school?
- What can you bring to our school that makes you unique?
- What frustrates you the most in the classroom?
- What is your teaching philosophy?
- How do you evaluate students?
- How would you prepare your classroom if it was the first day of school?
- How do you prepare your lesson plan and what do you include?
- How do you handle classroom discipline?
- If a student in your class has a serious behavior problem, how will you manage it?
- What is your approach towards interaction with parents?
- How would you deal with an angry parent?
- What do you consider unique about your teaching?
- How will you prepare students for standardized examinations?
- How do you evaluate students?
- Why did you choose to become a teacher?
- What are your strengths as a teacher?
Post Tag: interview Questions for KVS teacher /Kendriya Vidyalaya Interview Questions For TGT/PGT/PRT
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